INTERSHORES I Who's Behind The Mask (Service To Find BO For You)

Corporations are expected to know their customers and business partners they do business with.  Any institutions within the scope of Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist  Financing regulations needs to disclose the UBO's identity for any of their business transactions.


Importance of UBO

1.     To prevent financial maintent such as money laundering terrorist financing.

2.  To protect against any business/financial risks, conflict of interests and reputation damages from any business transactions.

3.    To prevent the risk of not knowing the true identity of the UBO of the company transacted with.

4.    To mitigate the risk of competition issues and protect commercial secret.


What We Offers?

1.    Known at a Glance Presentation

i.    Present UBO information through the Shareholding Structure

ii.  The immediate shareholders of the Subject will be traced, and the UBO of these immediate shareholders with equity interest over 25%.


2.    Boundaryless Coverage

No limitations on the place of incorporation for the corporate beneficial owners, where shareholding information is available. Source of information not limited to government authority but also through internet search, stock exchanges, media databases, social media platform, etc.


3.    Comprehensive Description

Each layer of shareholding structure consists of separate tables showing highlights of registration information of the shareholders.


We can assist you to identify the UBO.  If you want to know more or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us:


Whatsapp : (852) 6499 4686

Phone : (852) 2186 6936

Email :




Whilst reasonable care has been taken in provision of information above, it does not constitute legal or other professional advice. INTERSHORES does not accept any responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any error omission and accepts no responsibility for any financial or other loss or damage that may result from its use.  In particular, readers are advised to take appropriate professional advice before committing themselves to any involvement in jurisdictions, vehicles or practice.

